Rubbish Management – SEAL Bin store promotion

Where to keep wheelie bins is always a discussion point between landlords and tenants. In an ideal world, bins should be out of sight but still in a practical location. Rubbish management has also been identified as an issue in Southend by SEAL particularly in the densely populated areas of the town.

A great solution is to have a bin store to keep landfill and recycling bins neatly tucked away. This has the benefit of enhancing the look of your property and the street in general.

If this is something that would benefit your property and tenants, SEAL Bin Stores are available at a subsidised price for new and existing SEAL Members. The cost is;

  • £169 for a 2 bin unit (full price £225)
  • £189 for a 3 bin unit (full price £250)

Each bin store will be made of treated decking with air gaps, and will bear a SEAL plaque. Landlords have the opportunity to purchase 2 bins stores at the discounted rate, at the discretion of SEAL.

If you’re a tenant with Pace, please contact your property manager for further information:

Call:  01702 445 606

Email:  [email protected]


Sara has been with Pace since 2013 and is currently studying for her ARLA exams. She strives to provide excellent customer service and works to the best of her ability at all times.

After spending 7 years with Lloyds banking group specifically working within customer service roles, Sarah has a thorough understanding of what it takes to keep our clients happy! In her current position, Sara enjoys the variety of property management where every day is different and daily challenges keep her on her toes.

Pace employ 20 full time staff. Meet the key team members here.